It was a beautiful November morning in Southern Alberta. The radiant blue sky flirted with the winter wheat, magically framing the splendor of the Rocky Mountains on the drive from Lethbridge to the Mormon Temple in Cardston. In a few short hours I would marry my best friend— committing myself to him not just…
Tag: compulsory heterosexuality
I’m Single, Not Sick!
It’s Sunday morning, and I am scrolling through my Flipchart news feed when I land upon The Guardian’s “Dear Mariella” relationship series with the following letter: My father’s terrible behaviour means I can’t be intimate with men[1] “The dilemma: I’m in my late 30s, single, no children and I’ve never been in a long-term relationship….
What is it about marriage…?
My guilty pleasure is watching the reality TV show Married At First Sight. Each season a team of “experts” pair 6 strangers into 3 couples who marry, honeymoon, and move-in together. At the end of 8 weeks, the couples decide if they would like to stay married, or get a divorce. This show captivates…