I find it tragic, offensive, ignorant, and quite frankly, fucking racist that the LDS Church makes no specific reference to the criminal murders of black folk at the hands of law enforcement, but specifically calls attention to looting and destruction of property. […] I call your bluff President Russell M. Nelson. In my sphere of influence, I challenge faithful Mormons, secular intellectuals, and those who read my blog just for shits and giggles to think long and hard about a supposed prophet moved by looting, but unmoved by structural racism that has marked black and brown bodies as disposable.
Tag: Racism
Rebel Mormons & Sexual Nonconformity
In testimony submitted to the BC Supreme Court in a Charter Reference determining whether Canada’s criminalization of polygamy is consistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Dr. John Walsh testified that within the mainstream Latter Day Saint (Mormon) Church, there are two prevailing ideological camps regarding the practice of polygamy. Those in…